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How to add tracking to your app

The tracking strongly depends on the plugin e-mission-data-collection. This plugin needs a valid consent to work.

    "protocol_id": "2014-04-6267",
    "approval_date": "2016-07-14"
In e-mission, a Consent object has two fields: the approval date and the protocol ID. In order for the plugin to work in par with the app, we need to add the following line into the config.xml.

<preference name="emSensorDataCollectionProtocolApprovalDate" value="2016-07-14" />

If the user accepts your consent, to start tracking him, it will be necessary to use the function markConsented(consent) to notify the plugin that the user accepted the consent and that we can now track him.

var consentProtocol = {
    "protocol_id": "2014-04-6267",
    "approval_date": "2016-07-14"

window.cordova.plugins.BEMDataCollection.markConsented(consentProtocol).then(function (response) {
    alert("You are now tracked");
}, function (errorResult) {

When markConsentedis called, the consent will be stored in the user local storage with the key config/consent the plugin will then check if the approval date is equals to the one specified into the config.xml, if it matches, the state will changed from local.state.start to local.state.waiting_for_trip_start. You can retrieve and display the current state with the function getState()of the same plugin (Retrieving current state).

Server syncing

Like the tracking with the consent, in order to be able to sync with server you will need to mark the intro to done. To do that, you will need to store into the localstorage at the key intro_done when the user finished to read the consent, accepted it and then logged in. If there is no value into intro_done, the application will not sync.

We can put a key/value into the local storage by using the function putLocalStorage(key,value) provided by the plugin cordova-usercache. However, the value must be a JSON.

window.cordova.plugins.BEMUserCache.putLocalStorage("intro_done", {"intro_done": new Date()});

We are now able to use the function forceSync() provided by cordova-server-sync which will (as the name suggests) force sync with the server.


Displaying and managing states

Retrieving current state

As said before, it is possible to retrieve the state by using the function getState(). However, the states keys vary between iOS and Android, so you will need to check the platform to parse them and display a human readable value.

window.cordova.plugins.BEMDataCollection.getState().then(function (result) {
    console.log("State is " + result);

Forcing a transition

It is also possible to force a transition in order to force start a trip or to force end it. To achieve that, we can use the forceTransition(generalTransitionName). The general transition names are: INITIALIZE, EXITED_GEOFENCE, STOPPED_MOVING, STOP_TRACKING and START_TRACKING. To force start a trip, we will use the transition EXITED_GEOFENCE and to force end a trip we will use STOPPED_MOVING.

function forceStartTrip(){
    window.cordova.plugins.BEMDataCollection.forceTransition('EXITED_GEOFENCE').then(function (response) {
        console.log("User forced a start trip.")

function forceEndTrip(){
    window.cordova.plugins.BEMDataCollection.forceTransition('STOPPED_MOVING').then(function (response) {
        console.log("User forced a end trip.")


By using the same logic, it is possible to enable (START_TRACKING) and disable (STOP_TRACKING) the tracking of the app.