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Retrieving users data

To communicate with e-mission REST API, we will use the plugin cordova-server-communication which will allow us to make authenticated calls to the server. You can find all the endpoints there.

How to extract trips information

There is two types of trips: unprocessed trips and processed trips.

Retrieving processed trips

To retrieve processed trips, we can use the endpoint /timeline/getTrips/<date>. The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD. This URI will return us a JSON containing the trips of the chosen day. To make an authenticated call to the server in order to retrieve the trips of the logged user, we will use the function getUserPersonalData(uri, resolve, reject).

function getTimelineForDay (date){
    var dateString = date.toISOString().slice(0, 10);
    window.cordova.plugins.BEMServerComm.pushGetJSON('/timeline/getTrips/' + dateString, function (response){
    }, function (error) {

Retrieving unprocessed trips

Retrieving unprocessed trips is a bit more delicate than retrieving processed trips. Indeed, we will have to find the starting and ending transitions of each unprocessed trips into the local storage. As it is a bit thorough, you can find the method used by @Shankari into e-mission-phone readUnprocessedTrips(day, tripListForDay).

How to retrieve metrics

If we want to display metrics, we can retrieve them at /result/metrics/<timetype>. However, you will have to enclose a JSON into the POST request to precise between which dates you want to do the request, the frequency and the metrics you want to retrieve (count, duration, median speed and/or distance).

Query types

When you will try to call the /result/metrics/, you will have to precise the timetype. The timetype can be either local_date or timestamp.

function getMetrics(timeType, metrics_query) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    var msgFiller = function(message) {
        for (var key in metrics_query) {
            message[key] = metrics_query[key]
    window.cordova.plugins.BEMServerComm.pushGetJSON("/result/metrics/"+timeType, msgFiller, resolve, reject);

getMetrics("timestamp", metrics_query).then(function (result) {


If you are using timestamp, the query will have an attribute freq which can take the following values: "D" (daily), "W" (weekly), "2W" (biweekly), "M" (monthly) or "A" (yearly). You will also have to precise the start_time, the end_time in UNIXTIMESTAMP, the metrics that you want to retrieve into an attribute metric_list which is an array and a boolean is_return_aggregate to tell if you want to retrieve only the user metrics or both user and aggregates metrics.

var metrics_query = {
    freq: "D",
    start_time: new Date(1970,01,01).getTime() / 1000,
    end_time: new Date().getTime() / 1000,
    metric_list: ["count","distance","duration", "medianspeed"],
    is_return_aggregate: false


To convert a Date into a UNIXTIMESTAMP, you can either use the method above (new Date().getTime()/1000) or use the moment.js library which provides a couple of useful functions to manipulate dates.


For the local_date the frequency can be either DAILY, MONTHLYor YEARLY but the biggest change is the format of the start_time and end_time which will be a JSON object now ({year: <year>, month: <month>, day: <day>}). The metrics query will then looks like that:

var date = new Date();

var metrics_query = {
    freq: "DAILY",
    start_time: {year: 1970, month: 1, day: 1},
    end_time: {year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth() + 1, day: date.getDate()}
    metric_list: ["count","distance","duration", "medianspeed"],
    is_return_aggregate: false

Getting and updating users information

Getting users information

To retrieve the information of a user such as his user id, you can use the function getUserPersonalData(uri, resolve, reject) with the endpoint /profile/get.

window.cordova.plugins.BEMServerComm.getUserPersonalData("/profile/get", function (success) {

Updating user information

We can also update the information of a user to change his sync interval, platform or device token. It can be useful if you are using the push notification as you will need the FCM token of the user.

var updateDoc = {
    curr_platform: window.cordova.platformId

window.cordova.plugins.BEMServerComm.postUserPersonalData("/profile/update", "update_doc", updateDoc, function (success){
}, function (error){