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Adding LimeSurvey Support

In addition to the normal survey support, it is possible to configure a LimeSurvey support to use with the Survey screen.


Configuring LimeSurvey

Before configuring e-mission-server, it is needed to configure a bit your LimeSurvey server.

On your LimeSurvey admin interface :

  1. Go to Configuration -> Global settings,
  2. In the Interfaces tab, activate JSON-RPC by clicking on it,
  3. Optionally, modify the RemoteControl URL which will be used by e-mission-server.

Configuring e-mission-server

  1. Go to e-mission-server/bin/conf/net/ext_service,
  2. Add a limesurvey.json by copying limesurvey.json.sample and adapting it according to your server.
    "url": "RemoteControl API URL", 
    "username": "Admin account of limesurvey",
    "password": "password",
    "url_surveys": "URL of the surveys"

The url_surveys will be used to build an URL to be sent when the user will retrieve his/her surveys with the phone app.

Preparing a LimeSurvey survey

For each new survey you will want to send, it will be necessary to quickly configure it.

  1. After clicking on Create a new survey, go to the Participant settings tab,
  2. Change the default token length to 32 instead of 15 (by passing the length to 32, this will allow us to create an invitation token based on the uuid of the user),
  3. Activate Enable token-base response persistence,
  4. Optionally, if you want to allow the user to change his response you can enable Allow multiple responses or update responses with one tokens,
  5. After the creation of the survey, into the settings of the survey go into Survey menu -> Survey participants and click on "Initialise participant table".

Sending the LimeSurvey survey

After customising your survey, you can now send it to the user ! To send a survey, you can check Pushing Surveys from the Server to the Phone. However, use limesurvey.sample into the emission/net/ext_service/push/sample.specs/push as example. The survey id (sid) can be found either at the end of the survey url or in the LimeSurvey interface into Survey settings -> Overview. The uuidElementId is used by other external surveys, but not by LimeSurvey, you can pu any content here.

    "alert_type": "survey",
    "title": "Did you rideshare ?",
    "message": "3 questions - Approx. 1 min",
    "image": "icon",
    "force-start": 1,
    "spec": {
      "url": "",
      "uuidElementId": "answer886519X3X3",
      "type": "limesurvey",
      "sid": "964722"


Before sending the notification to users, do not forget to Activate the survey by clicking on Activate this survey.

Check everything before sending the survey!


Before sending the LimeSurvey survey, we also ecommend to check everything before actually sending the survey :

  1. Create the survey spec and query as explained in Pushing Surveys from the Server to the Phone
    1. Use option -n for testing the query without sending the survey
      cd directory_e-mission-server
      conda activate emission
      ./e-mission-py.bash bin/push/ -q /var/emission/e-mission-server/emission/net/ext_service/push/sample.specs/query/tripbike.json -n -s /var/emission/e-mission-server/emission/net/ext_service/push/sample.specs/push/bikesurvey.server.sample
      This will the participant list (resulting from the query) in limesurvey for that survey.
    2. Send the survey to you to check it is Ok (without -n)
      ./e-mission-py.bash bin/push/ -e -s /var/emission/e-mission-server/emission/net/ext_service/push/sample.specs/push/bikesurvey.server.sample
    1. Now send the survey for real (without -n)
      ./e-mission-py.bash bin/push/ -q /var/emission/e-mission-server/emission/net/ext_service/push/sample.specs/query/tripbike.json -n -s /var/emission/e-mission-server/emission/net/ext_service/push/sample.specs/push/bikesurvey.server.sample
    2. If necessary, add a user manually
      ./e-mission-py.bash bin/push/ -e -s /var/emission/e-mission-server/emission/net/ext_service/push/sample.specs/push/bikesurvey.server.sample